Choosing An IRS Discount Rate

The IRS discount rate floats monthly. In addition, one can choose to use the discount rate for the month of a planned gift or for either of the two months prior to a planned gift to calculate the deduction available to its donor.

Annuities and PIFs

Gift Annuities

The discount rate affects the deduction significantly. The higher the discount rate, the higher the deduction calculated, but the lower the amount of tax-free income that will be received as part of each year's annuity payments. It is best to inform the donor of this tradeoff and if she indicates a preference for the deduction, choose the highest available rate; if she indicates a preference for tax-free income, choose the lowest available rate.

Pooled Income Funds

The discount rate does not affect the deduction for gifts to funds that are three or more taxable years old. For funds less than three taxable years old, the discount rate influences the annual average rate that is mandated for gifts to these funds, but is not used directly in the deduction calculation.

Trusts and Retained Life Estates

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts

The discount rate affects the deduction significantly. The higher the discount rate, the higher the deduction calculated. In general, choose the highest rate available.

Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts

The discount rate affects the deduction significantly. The lower the discount rate, the higher the deduction calculated. In general, choose the lowest rate available.

Retained Life Estates

The discount rate affects the deduction significantly. The lower the discount rate, the higher the deduction calculated. In general, choose the lowest rate available.


Charitable Remainder Unitrusts

The discount rate affects the deduction only slightly. The higher the discount rate, the higher the deduction calculated. In general, choose the highest rate available.

Charitable Lead Unitrusts

The discount rate affects the deduction only slightly. The lower the discount rate, the higher the deduction calculated. In general, choose the lowest rate available.

How Can We Help You?

If you need help with or have questions about the IRS Discount Rate, or completing Charitable Gift Annuity calculations, contact us!
Associate Director for Gift Planning

Contact Jeffrey Frye

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