Everything You Need in Planned Giving

Since 1985, PG Calc has helped charities and non-profits of all types and sizes achieve planned giving success. PG Calc offers a full suite of planned giving products and services for organizations seeking to start or expand a program, benefit from effective planned giving marketing, or successfully administer planned giving programs.

Contact Us

What We Do


Marketing Services

We can help you reach and engage with prospective donors through a sophisticated blend of traditional and online marketing initiatives. We work with you to customize the ideal marketing approach for your audience, drawing for a range of available platforms.

Improve your planned giving program


Our experts will help you build upon your program's strengths, identify and address weaknesses, minimize financial risks and maximize benefits. Wheather your program is small or large, basic or sophisticated, we can help you enhance your efforts.

Get more gifts

Gift Illustrations

We can provide you with tools and expertise you need to effectively present the benefits of a planned gift to your prospective donors, to create gift annuity agreements and gift calculations, and to help your donor understand what type of planned gift makes most of sense for them.

Steward donors and be in compliance

Gift Administration

Ensure efficient and effective gift administration by outsourcing the work to PG Calc. By combining our decades of planned giving expertise with state-of-the-art tools like GiftWrap, we can fulfill all of your stewardship and compliance needs.

What's New

IRS Headquarters in Washington DC with a red traffic light
PG Calc Blog Post
Sep 11, 2024

From the Blog: I Made my QCD CGA, Can I Have a QLAC Now?

Some early adopters of the qualified charitable distribution (QCD) charitable gift annuity have begun to turn their attention to another opportunity to reduce their required minimum distribution: the qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC). Here’s a primer on this vehicle, how it can be used to reduce required minimum distributions from an IRA, why a donor might confuse it with a deferred gift annuity, and some advice on how to redirect a donor’s interest towards a flexible gift annuity. 

Kara Morin and Jeff Lydenberg - PG Calc
PG Calc FREE Webinar
Sep 26, 2024

Qualified Charitable Distributions Revealed – FREE Q&A

Kara Morin and Jeff Lydenberg will present a brief overview of what we’ve learned about QCDs, both outright and to fund life income gifts. They will review the essentials of these gifts, offer advice on promoting QCDs to donors, and flag some pitfalls. Kara and Jeff will dedicate the bulk of the webinar to answering questions from the audience about QCDs.

PG Calc eRate Newsletter Sep2024
Aug 15, 2024

September IRS Discount Rate: 4.8%

In this month's eRate newsletter:

  • PG Calc Celebrates the Life of Dear Friend and Colleague Ann McPherson
  • PGM Anywhere Quick Tip: Exporting Files
  • From the Blog: BDQ #9 – Can I Pay My Pledge With a QCD? How About With My DAF?
  • Things We Are Following: Whose Law Governs?
  • Here’s Why: Using Extracts from the CGA Manual to Reorient Your Donors
Zoltar photo by hulki okan tabak unsplash
Featured Article
Aug 14, 2024

QCD Law Update: Where Are We Now, Remaining Ambiguities, and Peering Into the Future

Here we are some 20 months after the passage of the Legacy IRA Act, and questions remain. That law updated Section 408(d)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code to allow Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from IRAs to fund charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts. After all this time, there remains some ambiguity.

Software Training
Sep 25-26, 2024

GiftWrap Introductory (ONLINE 6 hours over 2 days)

This 2-day (6 hours) ONLINE class introduces students to basic gift administration practices and how to use the features in GiftWrap to meet your organization's obligations to donors and beneficiaries. You will learn the best practices for data entry to help meet the needs of your development, business and finance offices.

Blue bus with "DAF" on the grill - image by Lucas Van Oort - Unsplash
Free Marketing Guide

What’s the Secret to Marketing for DAF Gifts?

Grants from donor advised funds (DAFs) accounted for a whopping $52.6 billion in 2022, and they continue to grow in popularity with donors. What’s the secret to success when marketing to your donors to direct their DAF grants to your charity? The key is making sure they understand how DAFs work and helping them understand the importance of succession planning for their DAF funds.

Software Training
Sep 10-11, 2024

GiftWrap Advanced (ONLINE 4 hours over 2 days)

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities. In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

Let Us Help You...

Whether you are an existing client who wants more help, or you need to start a new program, optimize your existing program, or improve your marketing outreach, we can help.

Contact Gary Pforzheimer

or fill out the form for more information