Al Halliday

As Harvard’s philanthropic advisor, Alasdair Halliday assists individuals and families with issues at the intersection of family and wealth. A frequent speaker on these issues, he has trained extensively in family systems theory and worked closely with Charles Collier, a pioneer in the field. Together with Anne McClintock, Mr. Halliday cowrote a chapter entitled “How Can You Encourage Generosity in Your Family?” for the book Wealth of Wisdom: The Top 50 Questions Families Ask, published in 2018. Mr. Halliday is also a charitable tax planning specialist.

Before joining the Harvard staff in 2004, Mr. Halliday was at Monitor Company, consulting to Fortune 500 clients on strategy and finance and working in Monitor’s Asset Management Group. He holds a degree in economics from Harvard College.

Philanthropic Advisor and Director of Principal Gifts
Harvard University