Software Training

PG Calc offers a variety of training options whose purpose is to help you run a successful planned giving program and make sure you stay current with the latest trends in planned giving. 

The courses are taught by highly experienced PG Calc staff members, many of whom have had previous experience doing what you do now – raising money for charitable organizations. They understand from firsthand experience the kind of learning that can be most helpful to you in the execution of your gift planning responsibilities.

Download 2024 Schedule (PDF)


Learn more about group training:

Lead Trust School (ONLINE)
Charitable lead trusts, while rarely consummated, remain a topic of lively conversation amongst gift planners and professional advisors. Despite recent changes in transfer taxes that have greatly reduced the number of taxable estates, today’s planned giving professionals should have a basic level of understanding and comfort with the lead trust concept. This class will work through several examples of lead trusts, giving the attendee a general sense of when the lead trust makes sense, and when it does not.
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PGM Anywhere and Gift Annuities (ONLINE)
This class will provide an in-depth demonstration of our web-based PGM Anywhere software in the context of learning about and modeling gift annuities. We will use case study examples to illustrate various types of gift annuities - including the NEW option to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) in exchange for a CGA - while discovering the robust calculation and detailed documentation features of this gift planning software. This class will be taught remotely.
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PGM Anywhere and Charitable Remainder Trusts (ONLINE)
This class will provide an in-depth demonstration of our web-based PGM Anywhere software in the context of learning about and modeling charitable remainder trusts (CRTs). We will use case study examples to illustrate various types of CRTs while discovering the robust calculation and detailed documentation features of this gift planning software. This class will be taught remotely.
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GiftWrap - Introductory (ONLINE)
This class introduces students to fundamental basic gift administration practices and how to use the features in GiftWrap to meet your organization's obligations to donors and beneficiaries. You will learn the best practices for data entry to help meet the needs of your development, business and finance offices.
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GiftWrap - Advanced (ONLINE)
This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities.  In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.
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PGM to PGM Anywhere - FREE! (VIDEO)
This complimentary training video is for experienced PGM clients familiar with the desktop software who are making the transition to the new PGM Anywhere web-based version. The class covers the differences between the two systems and will show the experienced gift planner how to use PGM Anywhere. Watch the free training video now.
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PGM Anywhere: Editing in Word - FREE! (ONLINE)
PGM Anywhere calculations and narratives export to Word easily, but editing them after export can be challenging. In this session, we will share what we've learned about editing PGM Anywhere presentations as efficiently as possible. 
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Computing FASB Liabilities with GiftWrap (ONLINE)
This class will focus on one of the most important reporting functions in GiftWrap – the calculation of estimated liabilities for life income gifts, in compliance with FASB standards. No matter the size of the organization, or the state in which the organization is based, all organizations sponsoring life income gifts need to calculate a reasonable estimate of the total future liability for each gift.
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When the IRS Needs Your 1099s: GiftWrap Steps to Filing Success - FREE! (ONLINE)
Federal Form 1099-Rs must be sent by January 31 to all persons receiving payments from charitable gift annuities. PG Calc’s GiftWrap makes this process seamless and efficient. GiftWrap also enables the sponsoring charity to transmit the 1099-R information electronically to the IRS. In previous years, charities had the option of providing the IRS with up to 249 paper copies of the forms, but beginning in 2024, charities generating more than 9 of these forms MUST transmit the information electronically. We’ll show you how to handle that electronic filing process quickly and easily.
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No, the K-1s are not late again this year! Unlike the Form 1099Rs for charitable gift annuities, Form K-1s must be sent to all persons receiving payments from pooled income funds by April 15. Yes, that is correct! But most PIF administrators try their best to send the forms by February or March at the latest. And the Pooled Income Fund Module of PG Calc’s GiftWrap makes the generation of the Form K-1s a downright manageable process. Once all the necessary information has been captured, GiftWrap produces the Form K-1s essentially with the click of a button. We’ll show you all the steps and review helpful hints – and potential pitfalls – in this training session.
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GiftWrap Payments/CashTrac (ONLINE)
GiftWrap’s CashTrac functionality allows the charity to maintain an ongoing market value for each and every charitable gift annuity. This is critically important because the charity needs to know how much of the original principal remains when the annuitant dies. Since the assets for all the gift annuities are combined into one or two investment pools, there is no other way to keep track of the individual market values. It also helps charities to reconcile payment issues and to monitor the ongoing health of the gift annuity programs. This training session will be invaluable for all GiftWrap clients who wish to manage their gift annuity programs more effectively.
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September 2024

Tue 09/10-Wed 09/11

This class will provide an in depth demonstration of our web-based PGM Anywhere software in the context of learning about and modeling charitable remainder trusts (CRTs). We will use case study examples to illustrate various types of CRTs while discovering the robust calculation and detailed documentation features of this gift planning software. This class will be taught remotely.

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Who can benefit from this class?

Prior knowledge of planned giving is helpful, but you can benefit from this class if you are new to planned giving. No prior experience with our software is required, and no advance preparation for the course is necessary.

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to PGM Anywhere
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts – Regular, Net Income, Net Income with Makeup, and FLIP Unitrusts plus Annuity Trusts
  • Create Proposals and Projections

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 1:00pm to 3:00pm ET on Tuesday, September 10 and Wednesday, September 11. There will be a short break at 2:00pm on each day.
  • Please sign in by 12:50pm ET so that the session may begin on time.

For cancellations, please contact Client Services at 888-474-2252.

Tuesday, September 10, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Wednesday, September 11, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Online (Note: class will be from 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET each day)

Cost is $195 per attendee. Registrants will receive login information prior to the training.

Wed 09/25-Thu 09/26

This 2-day (6 hours) ONLINE class introduces students to basic gift administration practices and how to use the features in GiftWrap to meet your organization's obligations to donors and beneficiaries. You will learn the best practices for data entry to help meet the needs of your development, business and finance offices.                       

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Who can benefit from this class?

This class is geared for new users as well as those with experience but no formal GiftWrap training. The goal of the class is to enable you to get the most out of the system, to work efficiently and accurately, and to administer gift annuities correctly. A brief overview of other gift types will be included. Note: This class will not cover FASB, Reserves, CashTrac or the administration of Pooled Income Fund gifts.   

Topics Covered:

  • Overview of GiftWrap functionality and structure
  • Focus on administration of Gift Annuities – Immediate, Deferred, Flexible Deferred, and Commuted Payment
  • Understanding the Record Death function and its effect on data and reporting
  • Payments and Taxes
  • Reporting

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 1:00pm to 4:00pm ET on Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26. There will be a short break at 2:30pm on each day.
  • Please sign in by 12:50pm ET so that the session may begin on time.

For information on cancellation policies, please contact Jen Wickham at 888-474-2252.

Wednesday, September 25, 01:00 PM-04:00 PM ET
Thursday, September 26, 01:00 PM-04:00 PM ET
ONLINE (Note: class will be from 1:00pm - 4:00pm ET each day)

Cost is $295 per attendee. Registrants will receive login information prior to the training.

October 2024

Wed 10/16-Thu 10/17

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities.  In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

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This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities. In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

This class is intended for users with some familiarity with GiftWrap as well as finance officers and others who are recipients of the report information. Basics such as data entry, record death, payments and taxes are covered in the separate Introductory class.

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 1:00pm to 3:00pm ET on Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17. There will be a short break at 2:00pm on each day.
  • Please sign in by 12:50pm ET so that the session may begin on time.

For information on cancellation policies, please contact Jen Wickham at 888-474-2252.

Wednesday, October 16, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Thursday, October 17, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
ONLINE (Note: class will be from 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET each day)

Cost is $195 per attendee. Registrants will receive login information prior to the training.

Mon 10/28

This full-day seminar explores gift planning beyond the basics. We will review advanced gift planning techniques including retained life estates, charitable lead trusts, and estate planning models using the flexible functionality of PGM Anywhere.

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Who can benefit from this class?

The advanced session presumes a basic familiarity with planned gift arrangements either through attending our introductory session or prior experience. We also assume a similar familiarity with our PGM Anywhere software through work experience or our introductory training. Advance preparation for the course is not necessary.

Topics Covered:

We will relate estate and financial planning concepts such as capital gain, transfer taxes, and qualified retirement plans to charitable gift planning. We will cover Retained Life Estates, Testamentary Remainder Trusts, Lead Trusts, and Estate Planning Models using PGM Anywhere.

  • Create a Charitable Remainder Unitrust Proposal with a Flip Provision
  • Model Non-Grantor Lead Trust
  • Calculate gift taxes on life income plans
  • Create a Retained Life Estate Proposal
  • Testamentary Gifts of Retirement Plans

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  • Two 15-minute breaks, morning and afternoon, with an hour for lunch on your own at noon.
  • Continental breakfast will be provided before the start of the session and refreshments during breaks.
  • Please be in the room by 8:45 am so that the session may begin on time.

Full participation in the PGM Anywhere Advanced course is approved for 5.5 points in Category 1 .B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. 

For questions or cancellations, please contact Client Services at 888-474-2252.

Monday, October 28, 09:00 AM-04:00 PM ET

Location: Orlando, FL (meeting location TBD)

This training will be offered prior to the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) Conference. 

COVID policy TBD

A Windows-compatible laptop is recommended, but not required. Login for the software will be provided for use in class if needed. PG Calc offers laptop rentals for an additional $150/day.

November 2024

Wed 11/13-Thu 11/14

This class will provide an in depth demonstration of our web-based PGM Anywhere software in the context of learning about and modeling gift annuities. We will use case study examples to illustrate various types of gift annuities while discovering the robust calculation and detailed documentation features of this gift planning software. This class will be taught remotely.

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Who can benefit from this class?

Prior knowledge of planned giving is helpful, but you can benefit from this class if you are new to planned giving. No prior experience with our software is required, and no advance preparation for the course is necessary.

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to PGM Anywhere
  • Gift Annuities – Immediate, Deferred and Flexible Deferred
  • Create Gift Annuity Proposals and Agreements
  • NEW: QCD to fund CGA (Legacy IRA Act)

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 1:00pm to 3:00pm ET on Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14. There will be a short break at 2:00pm on each day.
  • Please sign in by 12:50pm ET so that the session may begin on time.

For cancellations, please contact Client Services at 888-474-2252.

Wednesday, November 13, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Thursday, November 14, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Online (Note: class will be from 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET each day)

Cost is $195 per attendee. Registrants will receive login information prior to the training.