
Upcoming Webinars

PG Calc webinars bring all the skills and experience of the industry’s top practitioners to your office! PG Calc consultants and carefully selected guest presenters deliver the most up to date knowledge and insights on important gift planning topics. Here are just a few of the reasons why thousands of gift planners and their colleagues attend our webinars each year:

  • Participate from wherever you wish. All you need is an internet connection!
  • Paid webinars offer forty-five minutes of formal presentation plus fifteen minutes for questions, a golden opportunity to expand your knowledge and get your questions answered by an expert.
  • Q&A webinars, which are FREE, offer sixty minutes focused on answering questions on the webinar theme from you and other audience members.
  • A pdf of the presenter’s slides help you retain what you’ve learned.
  • A replay of the webinar good for 60 days that you can review yourself and share with colleagues. The replay typically is available within two business days after the live session.
  • CFRE continuing education credit (except Q&A webinars). Learn more.
  • Each session costs just $45 per site, except for Q&A webinars and special update webinars, which are FREE. You can invite as many people as you want to attend with you.
  • Register for the entire monthly series for just $270 - a 25% discount.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

 Download 2024 Schedule

Free Webinars

PG Calc has offered free webinars in response to certain changes in tax law. For those who did not have the opportunity to attend, you can view a free recording. These recordings are made available by PG Calc as a service to the planned giving community.

What You Need to Know About the New Legacy IRA Act (delivered 1/12/2023)

Implications of the New IRS Mortality Table and New ACGA Rates (delivered 6/22/2022)

The SECURE Act and Gift Planning (delivered 2/11/2020)  

The Pandemic, the CARES Act, and Gift Planning (delivered 4/7/2020)


Upcoming Webinars

To learn more about a webinar, click the webinar title in the list below. To register for the webinar, or purchase a recording of it, click the “Register Now” button below any webinar description and complete the form.

To register for the whole 2024 monthly series (and save 25%), click the “Register Now” button below any 2024 webinar that is not a Q&A webinar, then select "2024 Series" on the form.


September 2024

Thu 09/26
Kara Morin and Jeff Lydenberg will present a brief overview of what we’ve learned about QCDs, both outright and to fund life income gifts. They will review the essentials of these gifts, offer advice on promoting QCDs to donors, and flag some pitfalls. For example, did you know you may need to file QCD versions of your gift annuity agreements with certain states before you can issue a gift annuity funded with a QCD in any of those states? Kara and Jeff will dedicate the bulk of the webinar to answering questions from the audience about QCDs.
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Kara Morin and Jeff Lydenberg will present a brief overview of what we’ve learned about QCDs, both outright and to fund life income gifts. They will review the essentials of these gifts, offer advice on promoting QCDs to donors, and flag some pitfalls. For example, did you know you may need to file QCD versions of your gift annuity agreements with certain states before you can issue a gift annuity funded with a QCD in any of those states? Kara and Jeff will dedicate the bulk of the webinar to answering questions from the audience about QCDs.

Thursday, September 26, 01:00 PM-02:00 PM ET

October 2024

Thu 10/24
Wealth is not held in cash; it’s held in other assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and IRAs. Research shows that shifting donors to giving from their wealth (assets), rather than just from their cash (disposable income) can lead to transformational donations. But how can we actually make this happen? Talking about someone else’s wealth can be scary! In this presentation, Professor James walks through the step-by-step process that makes these conversations simple, easy, and stress free. You don’t need to be a gift planning expert to inspire major gifts of assets. You just need to attend this presentation!
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Wealth is not held in cash; it’s held in other assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and IRAs. Research shows that shifting donors to giving from their wealth (assets), rather than just from their cash (disposable income) can lead to transformational donations. But how can we actually make this happen? Talking about someone else’s wealth can be scary! In this presentation, Professor James walks through the step-by-step process that makes these conversations simple, easy, and stress free. You don’t need to be a gift planning expert to inspire major gifts of assets. You just need to attend this presentation!

Thursday, October 24, 01:00 PM-02:00 PM ET

November 2024

Thu 11/21
What’s a QCD? What’s an RMD? And how do they relate to a CGA? What is cost basis all about? And what about S-CRUTs and F-CRUTs, and all the other “flavors” of charitable remainder unitrusts? So many questions, so much confusion! In planned giving, we use a lot of acronyms, abbreviations, and other terms, with the assumption that everyone knows what we’re talking about. This webinar will go through an extensive list of the everyday terms bandied about in planned giving conversations – definitions of the terms and how they are relevant. The session should be helpful to anyone involved in planned giving conversations.
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What’s a QCD? What’s an RMD? And how do they relate to a CGA? What is cost basis all about? And what about S-CRUTs and F-CRUTs, and all the other “flavors” of charitable remainder unitrusts? So many questions, so much confusion! In planned giving, we use a lot of acronyms, abbreviations, and other terms, with the assumption that everyone knows what we’re talking about. This webinar will go through an extensive list of the everyday terms bandied about in planned giving conversations – definitions of the terms and how they are relevant. The session should be helpful to anyone involved in planned giving conversations.

Thursday, November 21, 01:00 PM-02:00 PM ET

December 2024

Thu 12/19
Cultivating planned gifts is an art. Successful fundraising is a disciplined process. When to “disqualify” a prospective donor is a dilemma because our inclination is to pursue additional cultivation steps that might convert the prospect into a donor. Craig Wruck will share what he’s learned in over 40 years as a gift planner and fundraising executive as he explores ways to improve productivity by ruthlessly disqualifying those who are unlikely to become donors and graciously but efficiently setting them aside in order to preserve precious time and effort for well qualified planned giving prospects.
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Cultivating planned gifts is an art. Successful fundraising is a disciplined process. When to “disqualify” a prospective donor is a dilemma because our inclination is to pursue additional cultivation steps that might convert the prospect into a donor. Craig Wruck will share what he’s learned in over 40 years as a gift planner and fundraising executive as he explores ways to improve productivity by ruthlessly disqualifying those who are unlikely to become donors and graciously but efficiently setting them aside in order to preserve precious time and effort for well qualified planned giving prospects.

Thursday, December 19, 01:00 PM-02:00 PM ET